Choice Is An Illusion



When you are conscious, you make decisions because that requires awareness. When you are unconscious, you make choices because that requires unawareness.

With unconsciousness comes the inherent desire to be free. The ego knows that the price of freedom is its inevitable death because to be free is to be conscious. Thus it creates a false sense of freedom, through the illusion of choice, so that it can live off your unconsciousness—the only way it can survive. 

The ego makes you believe that you have control over your life through the choices that you make. However, choices are a byproduct of duality— a false reality created by the ego.

ego/false self → duality/false reality → choice → separation → control→  lies

Choice is an illusion—for what is real, doesn’t exist in duality. There is no this or that. There is only consciousness. Choice seems real when you’re operating from unconsciousness because without it, you lose your false sense of freedom. 

It’s like MCQ questions. When you’re unsure or you don’t know the “answer”, you need multiple choices to weigh your options. When you know the “answer”, there is no purpose for multiple choices. Likewise, when your consciousness is activated, you’re free from the illusion of choice because consciousness is all there is and ever will be(true self/ all that is real). In the light of consciousness, the ego(false self/all that is not real) ceases to exist.

This is what it means to be free. To be free is to be conscious and to be conscious is to be alive.


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