Conscious Connections


conscious connections

Conscious connections begin with conscious beings who are focused on their own personal evolution. 

For unless you’ve awakened to the source of who you are, how can you have deeper connections with one another?

On a day-to-day basis, the media bombards us with new topics about people, the state of the world and so on— which are all externally focused. They distract and engage the ego with the drama so that you have little to no “time” to look inwards and awaken. 

Conscious connections do not care what your thoughts are on the state of the world, social identities, politics, celebrities, trending news or any other external information that is out there to keep the ego entertained.

Who are you beyond your thoughts and opinions? Are you comfortable alone without the noise of the world? What are you consciously creating? and How devoted are you towards your own personal consciousness evolution journey? 

Conscious connections are all about connecting to the Reality that binds us and not the duality that separates us into groups, categories and labels. 

It is to prioritise self-realisation beyond anything and everything else— for what is use of “knowing” anything else when you have yet to discover your true Self?

This is why conscious connections are powerful— through holding each other accountable for our personal evolution, we naturally raise the consciousness of humanity.

PS: You may join the new Conscious Connections Telegram Group via the chat bot found on the bottom right corner of every page on my website 🙂


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