

the difference between religion, spirituality and consciousness

What is consciousness?

The Illusion Of Knowing

Identification with any school of thought like religion, spirituality, science and so on is fear based because people feel so uncomfortable with not knowing that they unconsciously choose to create a false sense of knowing through their false self/ego. 

This creates a false reality from which they make everything known through their thoughts and beLIEfs that stem from their ego/ limited or false self. The limited/false self uses these schools of thought to control you by providing hope and comfort in exchange for the illusion of knowing.

To surrender all knowing, is to stop pretending to know anything so that you can awaken to the Reality of who you truly are.



You need to take time out to pray. 


 You need to take time out to meditate.


When you’re conscious, there’s no need to take time out to do anything because your entire life is imbued with consciousness.



You need to be a certain way in order to be worthy of love.


 Love is your birthright.


Let me know when both of you are done pretending to know what love is.


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