Dissolve Into Light


dissolve into light meaning

There is only one Self— your true Self. It appears to be two because the ego appears to be real, thus creating duality. The awareness of the ego/false self as the shadow is to dissolve into light. This is when the ego no longer controls or dictates how you live your life.


However, because light emanates from the heart and infuses every cell with love, it accepts and respects what is— where your current state of consciousness lies without trying to convince, change, fix or control you. This is love. 

Since light operates from love, to realise that light is all there is— is to consciously choose to surrender, release and let go of everything that you identify and attach yourself to, that isn’t based in reality, so that you can awaken to your true Self.

When you dissolve into light, you are giving up your need for control. This is why it is the quickest and yet paradoxically the most challenging way of uncovering your true Self.


Because control is the ego’s survival/coping mechanism and the end of control is to dissolve all knowing and the need to know into the light. 

Simply put, to dissolve into light is to consciously choose to surrender, release and let go of every thought, every story, every condition and meaning that we set and tell ourselves in order to keep the ego/false self alive.

This is what getting out of your head and into your heart truly means. It is to surrender all knowing and the need to know by staying conscious, present and aware of the only moment that exists— NOW.

With presence, each NOW moment is GOD.

G (generator) → Observe

O (operator) → Surrender 

D (destroyer) → Release 

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