The Truth About Karma



Karma is not about the return of “good” or “bad” actions from your past. This is one of the biggest traps to prevent you from taking accountability and responsibility for your own life. Remember, love expresses itself as freedom and freedom only exists in the present moment.

Karma is a synonym for conscious actions and non-actions. It is a direct feedback channel for the level of consciousness that you’re CURRENTLY operating on. 

How you feel isn’t about what is happening to you, for you or a reflection of the state of the world. It’s a reflection of your level of consciousness. Your freedom lies in consciously observing your feelings, without resistance or attachment, instead of reacting to them. 

This is when every experience is seen for what it is— neutral. It is neither “good” nor “bad”. It is what it is. More importantly, you are not your experiences. You’ve simply signed up to be responsible and accountable for the evolution of your character’s consciousness in the game of life.

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