Manipulation and Control


control and manipulation

There is nothing more important than knowing who you are. Because anyone or anything only has leverage over you, when you’re ignorant. Ignorance of your true Self is the root of all manipulation and control on this planet. 

Most people are possessed by their own minds and they don’t even realise it because the price of ignorance is manipulation and control. Only the mind can be controlled and programmed. Therefore all manipulation and control begins in the mind. 

This is why the gateway to absolute consciousness is the heart. When your heart is open and activated, you will know thyself. And to awaken to the Reality of who you are, is to end all mind control and manipulation. This is when the mind serves creation as a tool instead of controlling you as a weapon of fear. 

In the game of life— your one and only duty is to stay human. And by human I mean staying connected to your heart centre, the ultimate source of all truth. From this space of inner knowing, no one can manipulate or control you without you even realising it. It is that simple.


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