The Masculine and Feminine


Masculine and Feminine

You are not feminine if you only embody the feminine attributes of the divine feminine. Neither are you masculine if you only embody the attributes of the divine masculine. This is a trap— it is impossible to truly embody one without the other. You are neither feminine nor masculine. You are both.

They are the yin and yang of life. They exist within and in each other and this is why they are divine. They can’t be separated from the other, they are One.

Without the feminine, the masculine is misguided.

Without the masculine, the feminine is ungrounded.

She’s a queen because she’s aware and conscious of her masculine and feminine qualities. He’s a king because he’s mastered the art of harmonizing his feminine and masculine qualities. (NOTE: King and Queen are not referred to as identities but elevated states of consciousness)

Anyone who negates either of these attributes lives in duality. Thus, they are easily controlled through the polarization of the very principle that defines their very existence.

As one evolves, both of the energies cease to exist as “they” for they are One. They can’t be spoken about separately without inherently addressing “the other”— because what one identifies as a feminine or masculine trait is in fact the same.

For example, intuition is often seen as a “feminine” trait. However, the ability to act on your intuition is “masculine” in nature. So from “higher” consciousness nothing/everything that exists and yet to be conceived by the human mind is neither masculine nor feminine— Duality is an illusion.

When a person resonates only with either of the energies, it is a sign that they are not in alignment with their true Self. That’s not to say that for most people either the feminine or the masculine qualities are more dominant than the other with the exception of those who have them balanced as One.

The key is to recognize that creation is a byproduct of these “two” unifying principles, seen as one from a “higher” consciousness, and thus to talk about them like they are separate or opposing forces is complete ignorance of the very nature of life.


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