Tag: duality

  • love

    The Game

    The battle isn’t between light and darkness. Darkness is the absence of light and not the opposite it. Therefore, light isn’t fighting darkness but darkness/ignorance is fighting light.


  • Masculine and Feminine

    The Masculine and Feminine

    It is impossible to truly embody one without the other. You are neither feminine nor masculine. You are both. They are the yin and yang of life. They exist within and in each other and this is why they are divine. They can’t be separated from the other, they are One.



    27 Truth Bombs to start 2023

    27 truth bomb quotes on the following topics: True Self, Growth, Responsibility, Desire, Procrastination, Letting Go, Grounding, Hate, Life Hacks, Comfort, Happiness, Appreciation, Presence, Joy, Reflection, Confidence, Thoughts, Enlightenment, Moment, Curiosity, Life, Pain, Observation, Suffering, Center, Meditation, Mind.


  • conscious connections

    Conscious Connections

    Conscious connections are all about connecting to the Reality that binds us and not the duality that separates us into groups, categories and labels. 



    Choice Is An Illusion

    Choice is an excuse the ego creates to keep you in control and stuck in duality.


  • the truth about shadow work

    The Truth About Shadow Work

    There is no such thing as shadow work. This is one of the greatest ego traps.
