Tag: mind


    27 Truth Bombs to start 2023

    27 truth bomb quotes on the following topics: True Self, Growth, Responsibility, Desire, Procrastination, Letting Go, Grounding, Hate, Life Hacks, Comfort, Happiness, Appreciation, Presence, Joy, Reflection, Confidence, Thoughts, Enlightenment, Moment, Curiosity, Life, Pain, Observation, Suffering, Center, Meditation, Mind.


  • conscious breathing

    Conscious Breathing

    Stress, anxiety, worry, depression are all by-products of attachment aka resisting the natural flow of life— it’s like holding onto the air you inhaled (breathing in) without letting it all go (breathing out). This is resistance. And resistance, stresses the body and causes dis(ease).


  • control and manipulation

    Manipulation and Control

    To awaken to the Reality of who you are, is to end all mind control and manipulation. This is when the mind serves creation as a tool instead of controlling you as a weapon of fear. 
