Tag: Om Tarot Reading

  • control and manipulation

    Manipulation and Control

    To awaken to the Reality of who you are, is to end all mind control and manipulation. This is when the mind serves creation as a tool instead of controlling you as a weapon of fear. 


  • conscious connections

    Conscious Connections

    Conscious connections are all about connecting to the Reality that binds us and not the duality that separates us into groups, categories and labels. 


  • dissolve into light meaning

    Dissolve Into Light

    Simply put, to dissolve into light is to consciously choose to surrender, release and let go of every thought, every story, every condition that we set and tell ourselves in order to keep the ego/false self alive.


  • the difference between religion, spirituality and consciousness


    Consciousness is the underlying awareness that permeates all of life. Find out the difference between religion, spirituality and consciousness.


  • divination tools

    The Truth About Divination Tools

    Like all tools, knowing when, how to use them and for what purpose will determine whether they serve your growth and expansion or distract you from your true Self.



    Choice Is An Illusion

    Choice is an excuse the ego creates to keep you in control and stuck in duality.


  • the truth about shadow work

    The Truth About Shadow Work

    There is no such thing as shadow work. This is one of the greatest ego traps.


  • energy healing

    The Truth About Healing

    True healing begins the moment you stop limiting yourself to just the physical body.
