The Game



The origin of darkness is fear, and anger is the opposite side of fear. This is the duality of “separation consciousness” aka the deception of the ego. The game that the “controllers” play through a series of events aka “breaking news” brought to you by the media to keep you in the perpetual cycle of picking sides.

The way out of this game is to realise that it’s a game. It’s a game created to keep you stuck in separation consciousness— so that you remain “broken” by picking sides according to the latest “breaking news”, making you an easy target for manipulation and control. That’s how the “controllers” aka owners of the game get you to buy their game, become the characters of their game and get lost in it so that you lose sight of Reality.

The battle isn’t between light and darkness. Darkness is the absence of light and not the opposite of it. Therefore, light isn’t fighting darkness but darkness/ignorance is fighting light.

Love/Light doesn’t have an opposite. It’s infinite and all-encompassing. It’s Reality— the truth that ends duality. Because as more light enters your being, darkness dissolves into light.

To find out more, check out my FREE online course, Conscious Awakening— 10 Steps To Consciously Raise Your Vibration. For more personalized guidance, you may connect with me through my 1:1 Guidance session(s), Divine Messages Tarot Reading(s) and Om Tarot Reading(s).

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