The Truth About Divination Tools


divination tools

The word divination comes from the root word, divine, which has absolutely NOTHING to do with fortune-telling since it takes you away from the only moment that exists— NOW.

This is why I personally do NOT offer past or predictive/fortune-telling readings or use any divination tool for past or predictive/fortune-telling purposes. Questions about the past or future are fictitious, disempowering and limited in scope— as they come from the ego and thus are filled with fears, desires and expectations; all of which ceases to be when one is PRESENT.

As you evolve and expand your consciousness, you will become more aware and present in the moment which will naturally dissolve all worries and anxieties about the “future”.

Divination tools like Astrology, Numerology, Tarology are divine because there is nothing more important than developing your self-awareness and attentiveness. They are not there to give you answers to your questions— which is exactly what’s distracting you, from your true Self.



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