The Truth About Shadow Work


the truth about shadow work

When you are focused on the flame/ light, you see no shadow. The moment you get distracted by what surrounds it, you see the shadow of everything else EXCEPT the light. This simple observation of light reveals the truth about shadow work.

Unconsciousness is not the opposite of consciousness. It’s what forms when light/ consciousness is blocked by ignorance/ illusion/ maya, producing a shadow/unconsciousness.

Only unconsciousness produces opposites aka duality, since it is not real. Consciousness has no opposites— it is all there is and ever will be. Just like how light does not cast a shadow. It is the absence of it that does.

Since what is real aka light/ consciousness has no shadow. So there’s no such thing as shadow work.

So it’s not light AND shadow. It’s just light. The shadow is an illusion— a distraction from what is real. 

You cannot come to know what’s real by engaging with what isn’t, in this case, shadow work. You can only do so by turning your attention towards what’s real aka light/ absolute consciousness/ true Self—

for the shadow ceases to exist in the light of consciousness.


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