Trauma Is the Ego’s Drama



Spiritual: Feel your trauma to heal your trauma 

Religious : Your trauma is your karma

Conscious: Do you even know what trauma is?

Trauma is the ego’s drama

How do you know that?

The ego uses your trauma as an excuse to get you to be defensive, aggressive and reactive to people and situations that trigger you. 

Once you’re conscious of its drama, you will not partake in it and so it ceases to exist.

Your ability to feel deeply is part of the human experience. It is NOT what causes trauma. It is your resistance to your natural ability to feel that does.

Suppression → Oppression → Depression 


That’s all you need to do— feel into your body, become aware when you’re being triggered so that you do not play out the unconscious pattern by reacting to it. There’s no need to find the root cause of the trauma or indulge in the ego’s trappings in the name of shadow work. There’s no work to do when you’re aware that it’s an illusion— a story that you create for yourself, based on the meanings you’ve attached to your experiences. 

The ego will tell you that this is spiritual bypassing. But with awareness, you know that to bypass anything is to avoid it. You can only avoid something that is real, that which isn’t can’t be avoided for it doesn’t exist. 

This understanding is the end of all shadow work— for the shadow is the ego. You can’t work on it, you just need to realise that it isn’t real. 

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