6 Truth Bombs to end 2022



Facts can be proved, but not the truth. Proofs are created for the facts, not the truth. Truth doesn’t have any proof because it doesn’t need your validation, support or conviction in order to be true. 

1) Shadow Work

Shadow is the ego. You can’t work on it. You just need to realise that it isn’t real. 

2) Manifestation

You are manifesting every moment; whether you’re aware of it or not. Pay attention to the present moment so that you can consciously create your Reality.

3) Higher Self

There’s no higher or lower self. There is only your true Self. Everything else is an illusion.

4) Authenticity 

To be authentic is not the same as being free to react to everyone and everything. You can only be authentic aka real when you’re in alignment with what’s true, aka your true Self.

5) Choice

Choice is only for those who don’t know who they are or what they need.  Those who do, can’t be controlled through the manipulation of choices. They are driven by clarity. 

6) Signs

When you pay attention, everything and anything is a sign. They key is to observe without the need to attach meanings to them.

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